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Pre-Planning and Pre-Need
Pre-Planning and Pre-Need
There are many advantages to planning a funeral ahead of time. By pre-planning a funeral, difficult decisions will not have to be made during a time of grieving and stress. Your wishes can be put into writing to give your family direction when the time for funeralization comes.
With regards to preplanning for funeral arrangements, there are a lot of questions and answers. We have listed a few important facts that may help answer some of your questions. Please feel free to contact us at anytime.
Know the Facts of Pre-Need:
- Maryland state law requires that funeral homes deposit of minimum of 80% of preneed funds into a federally insured banking institution. We, as a practice, deposit 100% of all moneys for preneed, foregoing any commission on these accounts.
- When an Irrevocable Trust Agreement is established between the funeral home and the purchaser, the moneys are escrowed into an account under both names and the purchasers Social Security Number. However, these funds are not considered an asset as regards to government benefits and taxation.
- All Moneys in an Irrevocable Trust belong to the purchaser and are intended for their burial purposes only, these moneys cannot be refunded to the person at the time of death.
- When a fully funded pre-planned funeral contract has been signed, no further moneys will be required. When stating fully funded, this is when, the full amount of the funeral is paid in cash, insurance policies do not act as cash, the interest that is gained is used to offset the cost of inflation, therefore allowing us to offer the same merchandise or merchandise of equal value in the future for no significant difference in cost.
- Any person wishing to transfer their preneed funds to another funeral home, in or out of state, is entitled to 100% of their initial funds and any interest that account has earned.
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